108 Beads Rudraksha for Prayers

Rudraksha is a seed traditionally used for prayer beads and spiritual practice in Hinduism and Buddhism. The number 108 is considered significant in many spiritual traditions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. The significance of number 108 is believed to represent the following:
- The number 1 represents the unity or oneness of the universe.
- The number 0 represents emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice.
- The number 8 represents infinity or eternity.
The use of 108 beads in a rudraksha mala is believed to help the wearer focus and deepen their spiritual practice. When using a rudraksha mala for prayer or meditation, one starts at the bead adjacent to the guru bead, which is typically larger than the others, and recites a mantra or affirmation while holding the bead between the thumb and middle finger. The mantra or affirmation is repeated for each bead in the mala, completing a full cycle of 108 repetitions when the guru bead is reached. This process is repeated as many times as needed to deepen one’s spiritual practice.
In Hinduism, the number 108 is considered sacred and has many spiritual and religious significances. One of the most popular reasons for this is that there are said to be 108 beads on a mala or prayer beads used for chanting mantras or prayers. Chanting or reciting the names of the gods 108 times using a mala is believed to be a powerful spiritual practice that helps in purifying the mind, increasing focus, and deepening one’s connection with the divine.
The 108 names of gods or deities are also significant as they represent different aspects, qualities, and attributes of the divine. Each name signifies a particular quality or virtue that the devotee can imbibe in their life. Reciting or meditating on these names is believed to bring about spiritual growth, enlightenment, and ultimately liberation or moksha.
In addition to these, there are also several other symbolic or cultural reasons why 108 is considered a sacred number in Hinduism, including astronomical, mathematical, and mythological interpretations. For instance, there are said to be 108 energy lines or nadis in the human body, and the distance between the Earth and Sun is approximately 108 times the Sun’s diameter. Overall, the 108 names of gods hold great spiritual significance and are revered by millions of Hindus around the world.