Fish Health Has Top Priority in Aquaculture, and DESMI Pumps Is a Match

In the world of aquaculture, the health and well-being of fish take precedence. However, ensuring optimal conditions for fish is just one piece of the puzzle. A successful aquaculture plant demands careful consideration of multiple parameters, including process redundancy, reliability, energy efficiency, and access to local service.

Salmon Evolution’s land-based plant planned to produce 7,900 tonnes HOG at Indre Harøy in Norway, Phase 1 facility is in operation. Phase 1 includes 12 tanks, each containing 5,000 m³ fresh sea water replaced approximately every 4th hour. The future expansion, Phase 2 and 3, includes in total 48 fish tanks where fresh seawater pumped from the sea will count 16,000 liters per second and where the total amount of water circulating will be above 50,000 liters per second at peak biomass, making it a massive project. During the project Phase 1, execution and commissioning, DESMI had the honor of working closely with EPC contractor Artec Aqua and the end-user Salmon Evolution.

Mr. Hallgeir Øyen, Technical Manager, shared the story of selecting the right pump partner for the project. Although he was not familiar with DESMI pumps initially, he knew he needed pumps that would not rust or deteriorate quickly and would last for many years, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for the fish. After inspecting other aquaculture plants in Norway that had DESMI pumps installed, the team invited DESMI to participate in the tender.

Research & Design
Salmon Evolution and Artec Aqua spent several years researching and designing the right aquaculture plant, evaluating and simulating risk scenarios to ensure and maintain fish health. “It has been a long process. Lots of emails, phone calls, and meetings, but we are very happy about selecting DESMI pumps,” said Mr. Øyen. “The DESMI team was professional and supportive, providing efficient and effective solutions for the customer’s needs. We have been working as a team. A great cooperation,” added Mr. Øyen.

Design capacities that match demand
The DESMI pumps (type DSL, NSLV & NSLH) with majority design capacities ranging from 7,000 to 40,000 liter/min. including frequency converters for energy and process optimization have been performing well. DESMI delivered a total of 110 centrifugal pumps for the project Phase 1, meeting all expectations and ensuring that the plant runs smoothly. “We are fully satisfied,” said Mr. Hallgeir Øyen.

Source: DESMI A/S

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