Brazilian Water Companies Select Riventa for Pump Monitoring

Riventa has won a number of new contracts in Brazil for its Software as a Service (SAS) pump monitoring through its partner in São Paulo, Toraqua Technologies.

Five public and private water companies in Brazil are now using Riventa’s SAS model.

André Vizioli Gomes, General Manager of Toraqua Technologies, said: “The market here is pleasantly surprised and excited about just how quickly they get instant information about how their pumps and blowers are performing. In addition to the real-time data, management reports showing, for example, where to make energy savings, can be produced. The sensors provided by Riventa are also far more accurate than what has been in use previously.”

With Riventa’s Software as a Service (SAS), water companies can identify savings quicker and plan maintenance significantly better from the data that is gathered on measured flow, efficiency, head and power.

“Everything is faster, yet much simpler for our customers,” added Vizioli Gomes. “SAS is the way forward for us. It provides an excellent insight that enables the water companies to make quicker yet better decisions – with advice and recommendations on hand as we and Riventa also view the readings from the software to analyse the data as it happens.”

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