Cam Mackey

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I’m a non-profit exec and proud former music major who thrives on putting members first, paying it forward, and remembering to find joy even during the toughest moments. I’ve been fortunate to work with some of the greatest members in the world, from the CEO at the company that makes the “Jaws of Life”, to the strategy analyst at a biotech start-up that’s helping save thousands of lives in Africa. My personal and professional experiences have taught me a great deal: You can never rest on your laurels – I have deep experience in reinventing value propositions to increase membership, grow non-dues revenues, and reach new audiences – I’ve launched successful new products and killed outdated ones. I’ve also led a botched product launch, which taught me more than the first two put together. – I’m always listening and learning. “Build it and they will come” is a great movie quote, but a bad marketing philosophy – I’m a believer in the power of marketing to connect brands to people – I’ve led big initiatives like rebrands and new websites and have jumped into the podcast world with both feet. – Technology lets you punch above your weight class. I like to geek out over marketing automation, CRM, and other tech that helps spread the message. Helping people is what it’s all about – Mission and member first, always. That’s my guiding light when restructuring a declining organization, or when deciding how to prioritize my time.

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