DIWALI -Festival Of Lights

Diwali, the festival of lights is indeed the most-awaited and one the most celebrated festivals of India. People in every nook and cranny of the country welcome the festival with enthusiastic gestures.
The lighting of Diyas and candles all around the house, worshipping the Laxmi Ganesha to summon health and wealth, and bursting crackers are the chief rituals of the festival.
The Diwali festival lasts five days, named after the Hindu calendar:

Day 1. Vasu Baras:
On the first day of celebration, cows, and calves, sacred animals in the country, are worshiped and all homes are carefully cleaned.
Day 2. Dhan Teras:
The second day of Diwali celebrates the birth of God Dhanvantri. It is the most profitable and prosperous for business. This is when candles and lamps are placed throughout the houses.
Day 3. Kali Chaudas or Chaturdashi :
The third day is the most important day of the festival. The day when the light overcame the darkness. It is the day Lord Krishna killed the demon Narakasura. The gods are prayed to for happiness and prosperity. This night will be completely lit up by the thousands of firecrackers and fireworks that are thrown. The third day of Diwali fills all the cities of India with happiness.
Day 4. Diwali/ Deepawali or Lakshmi Puja:
The fourth day is the first of the new Hindu year. In every home, we pray to Lakshmi (Queen of the Festival, wife of the god Vishnú, whose image represents beauty and brings good luck, prosperity, and wealth) and Ganesh. Friends and family gather to exchange gifts.
Day 5. Govardhan Puja:
This day is celebrated in many ways in India. It is the day that Krishna defeated Indra. He killed the latter and released the maidens he was holding. It is common for husbands to give special gifts to their wives and brothers to strengthen their bonds. The next day, Bhaiduj, brothers, and sisters from all over India express their affection.
As we have known about the traditions & rituals performed during Diwali, now let us see what this festival is to people….
To some, Diwali celebrations are loud and colorful, with people vying for who has the loudest and brightest firework! For some, Diwali means the annual cleaning and decorating of the house. And for some, it means the last bit of sweets. Holding it all Diwali presents itself as a time of the year where every individual reminisces of family, friends, home, togetherness, and many other aspects that this religious and socially auspicious festival brings together.
Check your fulfilling needs for this Diwali here-