Ebara to acquire SKF’s Spandau Pumpen

Ebara to acquire SKF’s Spandau Pumpen

Ebara Corp’s Ebara Pumps Europe SpA (EPE) has reached an agreement with SKF Lubrication Systems Germany GmbH to acquire its coolant pump business Spandau Pumpen.

Germany-based Spandau Pumpen makes screw-type and seal-less coolant pumps for machine tools.

By taking over the business, Ebara is aiming to enter the global market for machine tools and further expand its business by providing new products and services. Ebara plans to transfer production to EPE in Italy, and work on developing new customers worldwide.

Minoru Matsushita, managing director at Ebara Pumps Europe, says: “It is a good opportunity for us to acquire Spandau Pumpen, which has a great history and solid brand in the industry. We are confident in the continuous growth of the business by creating synergy with our existing worldwide network.”

The divestment is part of SKF’s decision to focus on its core lubrication business such as automatic lubrication systems and components, lubricants, and lubrication tools.

Thomas Fröst, president, Independent & Emerging Business, at SKF, says: “We are pleased to sell Spandau Pumpen to Ebara Corporation, a dedicated pump manufacturer that will be able to continue to develop this business. The divestment is another example of the ongoing pruning of our portfolio, which is an important part of our strategy.”

The deal is expected to close at the end of September 2023.

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