Lunar eclipse - Hinduism

In Hinduism, a lunar eclipse is also considered a significant astronomical event with spiritual and mythological significance. According to Hindu mythology, the eclipse occurs when the demon Rahu swallows the moon.
Like a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse is also considered an inauspicious time in Hinduism. People often observe certain customs and rituals during a lunar eclipse to avoid negative effects. These include fasting, taking a bath, and performing puja or prayers to deities such as Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu.
Some people also avoid sleeping during the eclipse period and stay awake, chanting mantras to protect themselves from negative energy. In certain parts of India, people believe that taking a dip in the holy river Ganges during a lunar eclipse can purify one’s body and mind.
Overall, a lunar eclipse is seen as a time of spiritual significance in Hinduism, with people believing that it provides an opportunity to enhance their spiritual practices and connect with the divine.
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