Navagraha Homam mantras and slokas

Navagraha Homam mantras and slokas

Navagraha Homam is performed by reciting various mantras and slokas dedicated to the nine planets or grahas. Here are some of the important mantras and slokas used during Navagraha Homam:

  1. Ganesha Vandana: The Navagraha Homam usually begins with a prayer to Lord Ganesha for the successful completion of the homam.

“Vakratunda Mahakaya SuryaKoti Samaprabha Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada”

  1. Navagraha Gayatri Mantra: This is a powerful mantra to invoke the blessings of the nine planets or Navagrahas.

“Om Vaaingunaa Sankaraaya Namaha Om Kashyapaya Vidhmahe Khadga Hasthaya Dheemahi Thanno Raahu Prachodayath”

  1. Navagraha Stotram: This sloka praises and seeks the blessings of all the nine planets.

“Japa Kusuma Sankaasam Kaashya-peyam Maha-dyuthim Tamorim Sarva Paapaghnam Pranatosmi Divakaram”

“Dadhishamkha Tushaarabham Ksheero-da

  1. Surya Mantra: This mantra is dedicated to the planet Sun or Surya.

“Om Hrim Sum Suryaya Namah”

  1. Chandra Mantra: This mantra is dedicated to the planet Moon or Chandra.

“Om Shram Shreem Shraum Sah Chandraya Namah”

  1. Mangala Mantra: This mantra is dedicated to the planet Mars or Mangala.

“Om Kram Kreem Kroum Sah Bhaumaya Namah”

  1. Budha Mantra: This mantra is dedicated to the planet Mercury or Budha.

“Om Bram Breem Broum Sah Budhaya Namah”

  1. Guru Mantra: This mantra is dedicated to the planet Jupiter or Guru.

“Om Gram Greem Groum Sah Gurave Namah”

  1. Shukra Mantra: This mantra is dedicated to the planet Venus or Shukra.

“Om Dram Dreem Droum Sah Shukraya Namah”

  1. Shani Mantra: This mantra is dedicated to the planet Saturn or Shani.

“Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Shanaischaraya Namah”

  1. Rahu Mantra: This mantra is dedicated to the shadow planet Rahu.

“Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahuve Namah”

  1. Ketu Mantra: This mantra is dedicated to the shadow planet Ketu.

“Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Ketave Namah”

Note: The pronunciation and intonation of these mantras may vary depending on the tradition or school of Hinduism. It is recommended to consult with a qualified priest or expert before performing Navagraha Homam.

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