Sudarshana Homam mantras and slokas

Here are some mantras and slokas that are commonly chanted during Sudarshana Homam:
- Sudarshana Gayatri Mantra: “Om Sudarshanaya Vidmahe Maha Jwalaya Dheemahe Tanno Chakra Prachodayath”
Meaning: We meditate on Sudarshana, the one who is like a great flame, may that Chakra enlighten us.
2. Sudarshana Maha Mantra: “Om Hreem Sudarshanaya Deepthre Jwala Parivarthithaya Sarvadikshobhana Karaya Hoom Phat”
Meaning: This mantra invokes the power of Sudarshana, who can bring light and remove all obstacles in life.
3. Sudarshana Ashtakam: “Duritha Damanam Yanthu Na Kanchana Varanaabhyaam, Nipathitham Sookara Madhya Peeditha Paadhaabjaabhyaam. Kamaladala Madhya Sadudbhava Ruchirabhyam, Sudarshanam Sharanam Prapadhye.”
Meaning: This sloka describes Sudarshana as the one who destroys all negativity and protects his devotees.
4. Sudarshana Dhyanam: “Kamalasanasthaham, Kavidakshha, Vishaalakshha, Vikaasineem Vyaalanaasa, Sushonima, Sobhitham Ratnakalpojjwalaangam, Paradevatha mouli manoharam, Chinthithamani prakaram, Sathatham Sudarshana Lakshmi Sahitham”
Meaning: This meditation verse describes Sudarshana as having a beautiful form with lotus-like eyes and a shining body, and being accompanied by Lakshmi.
5. Sudarshana Kavacham: “Om Aim Hreem Shreem Shreem Sudarshanaaya Namaha”
Meaning: This kavacham or armor of Sudarshana is believed to protect the person who recites it from all evil and negative energies.
These are some of the mantras and slokas that are chanted during Sudarshana Homam. It is important to consult a priest or a knowledgeable person before performing the homam to ensure that the mantras are recited correctly and the homam is conducted properly.
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