Report by MarketsandMarkets: Metering Pumps Market Size to Reach $8.5 billion

Report by MarketsandMarkets: Metering Pumps Market Size to Reach $8.5 billion

The metering pump market is witnessing growing demand, driven by factors like increased water stress, stringent regulations on water contamination, and the need for precise chemical dosing in wastewater treatment. Many governments mandate water purification before release, boosting the use of metering pumps to maintain water quality. These pumps are essential in water treatment facilities, […]


Retrofitting Pumps for a New Role

Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels are used for processing oil and transferring it to tankers or pipelines. Positioned close to an oilfield, they remain there until the field is exhausted. Originally designed with a service life of over 20 years, FPSOs represent a huge investment for international oil companies (IOCs) and to maximize […]