Varalakshmi Vratam, also known as Varalakshmi Puja, is a Hindu ritual to appease Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity. Varalakshmi is a manifestation of Lakshmi (Varam) who brings blessings. Most often it is a puja performed by married Hindu girls in South Indian states. This event takes place on the Friday before the day of the full moon – Purnima – within her Hindu month of Shravana, which corresponds to her Gregorian calendar month from July to August.
Varalakshmi Vratam is most often completed by a married girl (Sumangari) for her personal well-being and to ask her goddess to bless her husband with good health and long life. Many believe that worshiping the Varalakshmi version of this day is synonymous with worshiping Ashtalakshmi, her eight elements of Lakshmi. All of these represent a special kind of wealth.
Varalakshmi Vratamu Recipes :