Frankenthal-based pump and valve manufacturer KSB closed the 2023 financial year with record figures for order intake and sales revenue. The EBIT margin (earnings before finance income / expense and income tax) of 7.9 % reached the level originally targeted for 2025. In the 2023 financial year, KSB significantly increased order intake by + 3.4 […]

In an environment marked by geopolitical uncertainty, rising interest rates and negative exchange rate developments, GEA’s business has continued to perform well, with a further improvement in its key financial figures and another dividend increase proposed. Adjusted for portfolio and currency translation effects, organic order intake grew by 0.8 percent. Reported order intake declined by […]

In December 2023, WILO SE successfully secured the largest financing package in its over 150-year company history. A promissory note loan (Schuldscheindarlehen) totalling 270 million euros was placed in the international capital market and a syndicated loan totalling 300 million euros was refinanced among the core banks. WILO SE was thus able to mobilise a […]